24 July 2024
Is China preparing a war scenario on the Korean Peninsula? 0

Is China preparing a war scenario on the Korean Peninsula? 0

(Dan Tri) - China is said to be trying every way to prevent any country from using military force against North Korea, but analyst Katsuji Nakazawa of Nikkei newspaper (Japan) said that it is difficult to

(Dan Tri) – China is said to be trying every way to prevent any country from using military force against North Korea, but analyst Katsuji Nakazawa of Nikkei newspaper (Japan) said that it is difficult to

President Xi Jinping (center) surveyed military forces on January 3 (Photo: Kyodo)

Appearing in military uniform in the cold weather, President Xi Jinping made the call `Don’t be afraid of death` in front of 7,000 soldiers of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) at the training base.

President Xi Jinping, in his role as Chairman of China’s Central Military Commission and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, called on all soldiers to be in a ready position.

Also according to Nikkei, although the relationship between North Korea and South Korea is tending to warm up and the two countries have held their first meetings after more than 2 years of freezing relations, President Xi Jinping seems to

If North Korea does not abandon its nuclear program, the United States may act sooner.

Access by sea

Is China preparing a war scenario on the Korean Peninsula?

Chinese military forces participated in a large-scale military mobilization on January 3.

China is said to find every way to prevent any country from using military force against North Korea, but analyst Katsuji Nakazawa of Nikkei newspaper (Japan) said that it is difficult to stop the President.

Therefore, China needs to prepare for any emergency situation that may happen to North Korea – a neighboring country and a close ally of Beijing for many years.

A direct confrontation between the US and China will be avoided at all costs.

In the event of a Korean War, many observers predict that China will deploy combat troops from the northeast of the country and cross the Yalu River – the border between China and North Korea.

However, this is still not a suitable route for Chinese troops to enter the capital Pyongyang – a place considered the `heart` of North Korea and far from the Yalu River.

When the inter-Korean war broke out in 1950, the North Korean army immediately gained the `upper hand` by pushing United Nations forces led by the United States back to the southern city of Busan.

After regrouping, United Nations forces made a surprise landing at the strategic port of Incheon on the west coast of the Korean peninsula under the command of General Douglas MacArthur.

Pyongyang is located just inland on the west coast of North Korea.

Chinese Marine Corps

Is China preparing a war scenario on the Korean Peninsula?

Chinese marines conduct military exercises (Photo: Reuters)

In modern warfare, the marines are the force handling key areas at sea.

Even during the military mobilization on January 3, China Central Television also focused on reporting on a force of the PLA, the marines.

Although the Chinese marines are headquartered in Zhanjiang, Guangdong province – quite far from the Korean peninsula, the force’s training exercises take place on the Shandong peninsula, located on

The Shandong Peninsula is an important naval center and is also where China’s Liaoning aircraft carrier is docked.

Is China preparing a war scenario on the Korean Peninsula?

Friendship Bridge is located on the border of North Korea and China across the Yalu River.

If China wants to send troops into the Korean peninsula by both land and sea, these two groups of troops will carry out two different missions.

North Korea’s main military facilities are located near the border with China and are unlikely to be attacked by US military forces.

In early December last year, Jilin Daily, the mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party in Jilin province bordering North Korea, published an article warning people about the risk of nuclear war.


According to Nikkei

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