26 June 2024
Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years 0

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years 0

(Dan Tri) - The 40th and 41st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit opened in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on the morning of November 11 with the participation of leaders of countries in

(Dan Tri) – The 40th and 41st Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit opened in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on the morning of November 11 with the participation of leaders of countries in

Leaders of ASEAN countries took souvenir photos at the opening ceremony of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits in Cambodia (Photo: Reuters).

This morning, November 11, the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summit officially opened in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh took souvenir photos with ASEAN leaders at the opening ceremony of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits (Photo: Reuters).

This is the first face-to-face meeting of leaders of ASEAN countries after more than 2 years.

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen speaks at the opening ceremony of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits (Photo: Reuters).

After the opening ceremony, leaders of ASEAN countries attended the plenary session and narrow session to discuss the process of building the ASEAN Community, ASEAN’s foreign relations as well as international and regional issues.

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years

Leaders of ASEAN countries, ASEAN Secretary General, senior officials and representatives of partners and international organizations attended the opening ceremony (Photo: Reuters).

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh led the Vietnamese delegation to attend the opening ceremony of the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits.

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years

Leaders of ASEAN countries took photos with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni on November 10 (Photo: Reuters).

Previously, on the afternoon of November 10, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and leaders of ASEAN countries attended a dialogue session with representatives of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), Youth and the ASEAN Business Advisory Council.

Leaders of ASEAN countries hold a face-to-face summit after more than 2 years

Leaders of ASEAN countries took souvenir photos at the dialogue session with representatives of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) on November 10 (Photo: Reuters).

Contribute responsibly to world peace

Previously, on November 10, ASEAN Foreign Ministers met in Phnom Penh to review preparations for the 40th and 41st ASEAN Summits and related Summits.

With a packed schedule of more than 20 activities in less than 4 days, Leaders of ASEAN countries and 10 partners will have the opportunity to exchange extensively on many contents related to building the ASEAN Community and cooperation between ASEAN and other countries.

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son (4th, from left) at the ASEAN Coordinating Council Conference (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

At the 25th ASEAN Political-Security Community Council (APSC) Conference, countries highly appreciated the practical and diverse cooperation activities of specialized agencies under the Political-Security Pillar such as national

Political-security cooperation has made an important contribution to strengthening trust, solidarity, self-reliance and the central role of ASEAN.

At the 31st ASEAN Coordinating Council (ACC) Meeting, Foreign Ministers listened to updated reports from the Secretary General of ASEAN and affiliated agencies on ASEAN’s activities over the past year, and discussed progress.

Nearly 98% of initiatives in the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework have been implemented across all five pillars of health system strengthening, human security, economic integration, digital transformation and sustainable development.

Sharing the urgent need to strengthen ASEAN’s institutional capacity, the countries agreed to submit to the Summit recommendations on improving ASEAN’s operational efficiency, strengthening inter-sectoral and inter-pillar coordination and promoting

Noting the progress of drafting the ASEAN Community Vision after 2025, countries welcomed the efforts of the High-Level Task Force, shared the strategic and comprehensive significance of the document, and oriented to building a united ASEAN Community.

On this occasion, countries congratulate the successful term of ASEAN Secretary General Lim Jock Hoi for the period 2018-2022;

Promote cooperation and goodwill dialogue

Speaking at the Conferences, Minister Bui Thanh Son highly appreciated Cambodia’s role as ASEAN Chairman 2022 with many practical initiatives to help maintain momentum for ASEAN cooperation in the past year full of difficulties and challenges.

The Minister shared the opinions of the countries on maintaining solidarity, resilience and adaptability of ASEAN in the context of many factors causing instability in the regional security environment.

The Minister also suggested that ASEAN needs to send a clear message to partners about promoting cooperation and goodwill dialogue, instead of confrontation and criticism, at ASEAN-led mechanisms;

Also on the morning of November 10, Foreign Ministers of ASEAN countries attended the signing ceremony of a document expanding Ukraine’s participation in the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia, bringing the total number of members to the Treaty to 50.

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