27 July 2024
Russia spoke out after warning about war with NATO 0

Russia spoke out after warning about war with NATO 0

(Dan Tri) - The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman criticized the US Secretary of Defense's statement about the possibility of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.

(Dan Tri) – The Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman criticized the US Secretary of Defense’s statement about the possibility of a direct confrontation between Russia and NATO.

Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova (Photo: Sputnik).

`Is Mr. Austin’s statement a direct threat to Russia or an attempt to create an excuse for (Ukrainian President Volodymyr) Zelensky? In both cases, it is crazy,` said the Foreign Ministry spokesman.

`Now everyone knows who is the aggressor, it is Washington,` Ms. Zakharova said.

The statement of the Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman came after US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said that Russia will not stop if it wins the current conflict in Ukraine.

Mr. Austin warned that if Ukraine loses, the Baltic countries may become the next target.

`If you are a country in the Baltic region, you will really worry whether you will be next (in conflict with Russia). I believe, if Ukraine loses, NATO will be dragged into a war with Russia.`

According to him, the Baltic countries of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia are especially vulnerable.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov also criticized the US Secretary of Defense’s `irresponsible` statement about the possibility of a direct clash between NATO and Russia.

`The most important thing is that (these statements) in fact demonstrate NATO’s worldview. NATO considers Ukraine its own territory. This once again emphasizes the absolute correctness of what Russia has said.

Secretary Austin emphasized that to prevent the scenario of Russia winning in Ukraine, the US Congress needs to quickly approve an additional aid package for Ukraine.

US aid to Ukraine has been stalled since late last year as the country’s parliament continued to disagree on a new aid package for Kiev.

US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, an official who visited Kiev last week, said Ukraine is `losing the war` to Russia.

French President Emmanuel Macron hinted earlier this week that NATO forces could be sent to Ukraine if the situation in Kiev continues to deteriorate.

`We will do everything necessary to prevent Russia from winning this war,` Mr. Macron pledged.

President Zelensky also warned that Ukraine is a security buffer zone between Russia and NATO. If this buffer zone is lost, European security will be threatened.

However, the US, UK, Spain, Italy, Germany and other NATO members rejected the French president’s remarks, emphasizing that there are no plans to use the bloc’s forces in Ukraine.

In his federal message on February 29, Russian President Vladimir Putin once again rejected speculation by the US and its allies that Russia could target NATO countries.

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